The EMG® Personal Wellness Advantage
The EMG® Personal Wellness Advantage


EMG® positions itself as a technology development company that owns and manages a healthcare business. Central to our continued growth as a technology development company is our dedicated development of the brand of products and services including (but not limited to) our flagship product, our Personal Wellness Advantage®. The PWC is the first innovation within the personal healthcare-health insurance marketplace in more than 90 years and is now available in more than 80 countries worldwide.

In addition to the PWC, EMG® has launched the development of e@Medcare® which is the healthcare industry’s first provider sponsored revenune cycle management service. With a dedicated focus on systematic compatibility between providers, payors, and the patients, e@Medcare’spatient–centric approach to revenue cycle management has the potential to fundamentally transform administrative processes and revenue yield and accuracy – from patient registration to financial resolution of medical claims – in ways no other solution can. It is designed to reduce costs and make medical costs more transparent while helping hospitals, health systems, clinics and physicians modernize administrative processes and ensure appropriate revenue yield. Importantly, the e@Medcare® solution provides a complete view of the care experience from the patient's perspective, helping providers deliver a simpler, more satisfying experience to their patients.

At EMG®, we believe that, in the new era, software enriches the brand. This concept is driving a digital transformation in companies. Due to increasing demands from mobile clients, healthcare provider organisations are realigning technology and business agendas to meet patient and payor engagement requirements. EMG® views digital engagement as digital business. Digital engagement is a new paradigm, in which businesses and customers are closely linked to each other via cutting-edge technology solutions. Our focus has been on helping our clients transform their businesses and reinventing processes to meet this new reality.